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Oladimeji Eyitayo Yemi-Peters
Dorcas I. Bana


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have brought about enormous opportunities and challenges to the field of Library and Information Services; and in recent time in the health sector. However, the use of Internet in searching and accessing relevant and current information resources is on the increase. The increasing competency in information literacy is the foundation for effective information provision of electronic resources among medical practitioners. In view of this, Libraries and Information centres particularly in the subSaharan Africa that are experiencing budget cut which in turn affects acquisition and collection development can now embrace ICTs to manage and provide access to quality information resources which in turn will improve the quality of services that they provide for their clients. Therefore, this article focuses on the review of related literatures on electronic information resources with particular reference to medical information need. More so, insight into its benefits and challenges were discussed and available online resources that can enhance quality research in the medical information provision were also highlighted.


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How to Cite
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES AND MEDICAL INFORMATION PROVISION. (2013). Journal of Health Information and Librarianship, 1(1), 16-22. http://johil.org/index.php/johil/article/view/63

How to Cite

ELECTRONIC RESOURCES AND MEDICAL INFORMATION PROVISION. (2013). Journal of Health Information and Librarianship, 1(1), 16-22. http://johil.org/index.php/johil/article/view/63